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Writer's pictureAlex

Child illness etiquette

Before we get into the nitty gritty, I'm just gonna come right out and say it: there are few things ruder then a parent that brings their sick child into a public place. Look, we all get it...being stuck inside for days on end with a kiddo who has a virus will undoubtedly create some major cabin fever. Cabin fever sucks, but it does not make bringing your sick child to indoor activities ok. Heres the breakdown:

As adults, we may honestly come to the decision to bring our sick kids in public because we ourselves would go to work sick. While going to work sick is still inconsiderate, sometimes there is no choice. The reason coworkers can look past your runny nose and puffy eyes is because adults have the wherewithal to minimize the spreading of their communicable diseases. For example...

...adults know to limit contact with others when sick

...adults will make a point to wash hands regularly or use hand sanitizer

...adults will cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze

...adults will not share items with others when sick

Children are a whollllle different beast. Heres the skinny:

...tiny humans touch anything and everything they possibly can

...tiny humans like to put anything they can find in their mouths

...tiny humans drool allllll over

...tiny humans rub their snot and then touch things

...tiny humans have no concept of personal space

...tiny humans do not cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze

If it is not obvious by now, i'll spell it out. Despite their cuteness, kids are gross!! As the parent you have to remember how much it sucks to have a sick kid and then not thrust it upon some innocent well child resulting in their parent having to now deal with a sick kid.


Key things to remember when deciding whether or not your kiddo is well enough to be brought into public around other children:

...If he/she has a fever, all bets are off. You are in quarantine at home. Fever means your child is contagious, which puts other kids at significant risk of catching whatever bug your babe has. General medical and school guidelines state that until your child is 48 hours fever free [that means 48 hours straight] they are not well enough to be around others.

...If he/she has a runny nose or cough. Avoid indoor play areas, classes, activities where you will be in direct contact with other children. Like I mentioned above, kids are gross...they wipe their snot everywhere and are not developmentally capable of containing bodily fluids, so you have to do it for them by not bringing them to places where other children are.


I totally know how much it sucks to be stuck indoors with a sick babe. My son has literally been sick like 3 times this winter. It stinks to see them miserable and stinks even more when you have to bask in the misery by not going about normal entertainment activities. It's hard to hear, but as the parent you gotta suck it up and not be selfish. You do not want to be the person that causes some other child to be as miserable as your kiddo was AND some other mother to have to suffer by proxy. Stay home until your kids are well! Moms across America will thank you


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