Well hey! My name is Alex and i’m either introducing myself to a reader or just sitting here talking to myself. In either case, hi there. I am a mom to a 20 month old son [no need to get your calculator out that’s a little over a year and a half] and I have another boy on the way due in April.
So here we are…another mom blog. You’re probably wondering what makes this one different from any other…or what qualifies me to think I should have one…or you’re not putting thought into this at all because you have more important things to do... in which case it’s just me over here wondering these things :).
So here’s the long and short of it. This likely is not much different from other mom blogs besides the fact that I don’t have a professional camera crew following me around to capture what looks like effortless pictures of me and my tiny human doing something cute. Truth is, I barely even have pictures with my boy because I am either the one taking the pictures or I look so disheveled that I wouldn’t want to traumatize the world of social media with photo evidence of what that looks like. Anyways…getting off track here #mombrain. I have always toyed with the idea of starting a blog because I personally have found other mom blogs helpful for varying reasons throughout the last 20 months of my son’s life. It has been incredibly helpful to learn from others who have gone through stages with their older children that I am approaching with my son…a sort of road map that you can absorb a base from and then make it your own. To be quite honest, sometimes it’s just nice to see that someone else has or is going through the same mom life craziness and that you are never truly alone. So here I am starting my own blog trying to impart some of the knowledge I have accumulated for the other mamas out there…and maybe even help just one person feel less alone…or at least decide on the perfect sippy cup because let me tell you, I am a sippy cup connoisseur.
Point is: this is all real…no frills…just life raising boys.